I'm so far behind I don't know where to start! Let's see...Vanessa's Dance Recital is coming up it should be the first weekend of June, but I don't know what day or time yet. I hope we will know this week.
Our January and February was pretty quiet for once. (Knock on Wood) Nessa has been surgery free for a whole year! I can't say we haven't been to the hospital, but at least no surgery.
In March we went to the opening weekend of the Butterfly Garden at the Zoo. If you look at the pictures from last March you can
really see how Vanessa has grown and changed so much. She doesn't even resemble my baby anymore, she is a little girl now.

The past few weeks for Vanessa have been filled with Easter Egg Hunts and trips to the zoo, planting flowers, and finally a great Easter weekend coloring eggs with cousins and getting TONS of candy and toys, movies, books, ect. in her Easter Basket (s).
Brian turned 38 on April 7th! We had a great time celebrating at the Hoosier Park Casino. It was wonderful to spend time with family and friends! Jerry and Eva, Uncle Tom and Aunt Susan came down from the Ft Wayne area, and it was really great to see them and catch up a little. Brian's friend Brian (aka Ian or coconuts) was the big winner at about $80, and I was the big loser at about -$10. Brian ended the night with a winnings of $.23 (that is 23 cents), but at least he didn't loose...We had so much fun, I forgot to take pictures!!
Hope you are all having a fabulous Spring!